Mobile devices
We understand that swimmers often go onto other activities after swimming and therefore a blanket ban on bringing phones to training would be impractical so therefore we insist on the following:
Swimmers found flouting these rules may have the device confiscated to be returned to a parent/responsible adult. |
All incidents will be logged with details of the action taken and parents will be informed.
Depending on the age of the swimmer and the severity of the incident consequences may range from a warning, to a ban on attending sessions for a specific period of time and if any images appear to be indecent the club will not hesitate to seek advice from the police. Once a child is 10 years old they become criminally responsible and such a caution or conviction from the police could have the most serious effect on future career plans. As a club we take our responsibilities very seriously and as coaches and parents we want to protect our children not just in the short term but teach them to use the opportunities that technology brings responsibly and safely. |