Squad Criteria
Please note all team and squad selections are the decision of the Head Coach.
The club is entering a new era, and to fulfil the next stage we have changed some of our guidelines.
The squad criteria have been taken from the guidelines from the British graded tables , which have been used as the base line of setting up other Performance Centre’s, within Wales. |
The guidelines are set at all distances and ages starting from 7 to 17. Ages are as at per the 31st December in any year.
Swimmers over the age of 18 years old must have a qualifying time for the Welsh Senior Age Groups which is held at Easter. Squads below P3, will continue to work on their technical and aerobic abilities, in line with Long term athlete development. |
All children develop and grow at different times, so it is important that parents don’t judge their child against another, who may be developing in a totally different way.
This is a complex area, so as a parent you need to be patient, encourage, transport and feed and water your child, and leave the rest to us. If you have any concerns or questions please arrange to speak to your child’s coach. |
P1 - Performance One
All Squad criteria targets to be achieved by the end of the season. Four key expectations for Performance Squads:
- Performance: Meeting the performance criteria set for each squad. This includes personal best times, skill requirements and training set performance. To be reviewed throughout the season.
- Attendance: Members of Performance 1 MUST attend a minimum of 5 sessions per week. Any squad member consistently failing to reach this requirement WILL be moved to a more appropriate squad.
- Attitude: All squad members should exhibit a positive and professional attitude towards training (both pool and land) and competitions. Negative attitudes will not be tolerated as every session has a benefit to the swimmer and is equally valuable. Punctuality is important so that the land warm-up can be performed before every session.
- Competitions: Every squad member should enter the competitions outlined by their coach. These will be selected to help maximise each swimmer’s performance and will target major meets. Swimmers who fail to consistently compete will be moved to a more appropriate squad.
- Working towards achieving AAA time in one event at 100m or above
- Should attend a minimum of 5 swimming sessions per week. Attending the full programme will enhance the swimmers progression and maximise their potential.
- Must be at least 13 years old as of 31st December of the current year
- To gain top 24 Welsh time
- Improve technique on all four strokes
- Develop a good level of skill for training and racing purposes
- Work and be educated as to how to train correctly in specific training zones
- Set out to achieve the goals set by the squad coaches during training and competitions
- Perform a basic land and mobility warm-up to complement training within the water
- Perform legal starts, turns and finishes on all four strokes
- Feet past the flags on all turns. 5-6 fly kicks on frontcrawl and butterfly, 6-8 on backstroke. Use fly kick during breaststroke underwater phase. Hold streamlined position for 2 seconds during breaststroke turn.
- Frontcrawl, breathe on 4 during training and have capability of breathing on 6, 8 and 10 patterns. No breathing after break out or during final 5 metres.
- aerobic distance sets 8x400s, 16x 200s
- kick set 16 x 25 off 35
- speed tests
- Swim Wales Sub Regionals (Time Specific)
- Swim Wales Regionals
- 200 frontcrawl, backstroke, breaststroke and fly and 400 I.M. in level 2 meets
- Qualified events for Welsh nationals in a 100m or more and 200 I.M. (top 24 time)
- Qualified events for level 1 meets
P2- Performance Two
All Squad criteria targets to be achieved by the end of the season.
Four key expectations for Performance Squads:
Four key expectations for Performance Squads:
- Performance: Meeting the performance criteria set for each squad. This includes personal best times, skill requirements and training set performance. To be reviewed throughout the season.
- Attendance: Members of Performance 2 MUST attend a minimum of 5 sessions per week. Any squad member consistently failing to reach this requirement WILL be moved to a more appropriate squad.
- Attitude: All squad members should exhibit a positive and professional attitude towards training (both pool and land) and competitions. Negative attitudes will not be tolerated as every session has a benefit to the swimmer and are equally valuable. Punctuality is important so that the land warm up can be performed before every session.
- Competitions: Every squad member should enter the competitions outlined by their coach. These will be selected to help maximise each swimmer’s performance and target major meets. Swimmers who fail to consistently compete will be moved to a more appropriate squad.
- Achieve AA grade time in at least one 100m or above event
- Age range of 11 and above as of 31st December
- Improve technique on all 4 strokes
- Develop a good level of skill for training and racing purposes
- Work and be educated as to how to train correctly in specific training zones
- Set out to achieve the goals set by the squad coaches during training and competitions
- Perform a basic land and mobility warm up to complement training within the water
- Perform legal starts, turns and finishes on all four strokes
- Feet past the flags on all turns. 5-6 fly kicks on f/c and fly, 6-8 on back. Use fly kick during breaststroke underwater phase. Hold streamlined position for 2 seconds during breaststroke turn
- Frontcrawl, breathe on 4 during training and have capability of breathing on 6, 8 and 10 patterns. No breathing after break out or the last 5 metres
- Skill level should be greater than that achieved in P3. This skill level should be achieved in all four strokes.
- aerobic distance sets 7x 400s, 14 x 200s
- kick set 16 x 25 off 35
- speed tests
- Swim Wales Sub Regionals (Time Specific)
- Swim Wales Regionals
- 200 frontcrawl, backstroke, breaststroke and fly and 400 I.M. in level 2/3 meets
- Qualified events for Welsh nationals in a 100m or more and 200 I.M. (top 24 time)
- Qualified events for level 1 meets
P3 - Performance Three
All Squad criteria targets to be achieved by the end of the season.
Four key expectations for Performance Squads:
Four key expectations for Performance Squads:
- Performance: Meeting the performance criteria set for each squad. This includes personal best times, skill requirements and training set performance. To be reviewed throughout the season.
- Attendance: Members of Performance 3 must attend all available sessions. This is to enable the swimmer to maximise their potential. Any squad member consistently failing to reach this requirement WILL be moved to a more appropriate squad. If a swimmer is absent from the session notification prior to the beginning of the session is required.
- Attitude: All squad members should exhibit a positive and professional attitude towards training (both pool and land) and competitions. Negative attitudes will not be tolerated as every session has a benefit to the swimmer and are equally valuable. Punctuality is important so that the land warm up can be performed before every session.
- Competitions: Every squad member should enter the competitions outlined by their coach. These will be selected to help maximise each swimmer’s performance and target major meets. Swimmers who fail to consistently compete will be moved to a more appropriate squad.
- Achieve A grade time in at least one 100m or above event
- Age range 10-14 as of 31st December of the current year
- Improve technique on all 4 strokes
- Develop a good level of skill for training and racing purposes
- Work and be educated as to how to train correctly in specific training zones
- Set out to achieve the goals set by the squad coaches during training and competitions
- Perform a basic land and mobility warm up to complement training within the water
- Perform legal starts, turns and finishes on all four strokes
- Feet past the flags on all turns. 5-6 fly kicks on f/c and fly, 6-8 on back. Use fly kick during breaststroke underwater phase. Hold streamlined position for 2 seconds during breaststroke turn
- Frontcrawl, breathe on 4 during training and have capability of breathing on 6, 8 and 10 patterns. No breathing after break out or the last 5 metres.
- Improving previous squads drills and skills standard
- Continue to progress in competency of key drills learned during lower squads
- understand and perform stroke counting on all four strokes
- performance will be monitored for key aerobic training sets 6x400 f/c, 15x100 f/c
- kick set 16 x 25m off 40
- speed tests
- 200s in frontcrawl, backstroke, breaststroke, I.M, fly and 400 frontcrawl, I.M. in all level 2/3 meets
- Qualified events for level 1 meets and Welsh Nationals
- Swim Wales Sub Regionals
- Swim Wales Regionals
S3 - Skills Three
All Squad criteria targets to be achieved by the end of the season. Four key expectations for Performance Squads:
- Performance: Meeting the performance criteria set for each squad. This includes personal best times, skill requirements and training set performance. To be reviewed throughout the season.
- Attendance: Members of Skills 3 must attend all available sessions. This is to enable the swimmer to maximise their potential. Any squad member consistently failing to reach this requirement WILL be moved to a more appropriate squad. If a swimmer is absent from the session notification prior to the beginning of the session is required.
- Attitude: All squad members should exhibit a positive and professional attitude towards training and competitions. Negative attitudes will not be tolerated as every session has a benefit to the swimmer and are equally valuable. Punctuality is important so that the swimmer can gain full value from every session.
- Competitions: Every squad member should enter the competitions outlined by their coach. These will be selected to help maximise each swimmer’s performance and target major meets. Swimmers who fail to consistently compete will be moved to a more appropriate squad.
- Good understanding of all four legal strokes and should be consistently performing legal competitive skills and turns.
- The main focus will continue to be developing skill levels, technique and body position.
- Further aerobic development will continue at this level.
- Swimmers should be qualifying for and competing at level 3 swim meets.
- Target times B grade + 10%
- Age 8-13 as of the 31st December of the current year
- Improve technique on all 4 strokes
- Develop a good level of skill for training and racing purposes
- Begin to recognise the different requirements in varying training sets (e.g. speed, speed endurance, aerobic)
- Perform legal starts, turns and finishes on all four strokes
- 3-4 fly kicks on frontcrawl, backstroke and fly, use fly kick during breaststroke underwater phase. Hold streamlined position for 2 seconds during breaststroke turn.
- Frontcrawl, breathe on 4 during training and have capability of breathing on 6, 8 and 10 patterns. No breathing after break out or the last 5 metres.
- Correct head, body position, rhythm and timing to complete 100m for all four strokes and 200 I.M.
- Perform all drills required in SkillsTwo the swimmer will also be introduced to more difficult drills for each stroke.
- 12x100
- 16x25 kick off 45
- RCT seasonal invitational series
- Regional No Time Gala
- Regional Development Gala
- Sub Regionals
- RCT Long Course meet
- Level 3 meets (short and long course)
S2 - Skills Two
All Squad criteria targets to be achieved by the end of the season. Four key expectations for Performance Squads:
12 x 50
16 x 25 kick off 50
Competitions: Swimmers should be entering;
- Performance: Meeting the performance criteria set for each squad. This includes personal best times, skill requirements and training set performance. To be reviewed throughout the season.
- Attendance: Members of Skills 2 must attend all available sessions. This is to enable the swimmer to maximise their potential. Any squad member consistently failing to reach this requirement WILL be moved to a more appropriate squad. If a swimmer is absent from the session notification prior to the beginning of the session is required.
- Attitude: All squad members should exhibit a positive and professional attitude towards training and competitions. Negative attitudes will not be tolerated as every session has a benefit to the swimmer and are equally valuable. Punctuality is important so that the swimmer can gain full value from every session.
- Competitions: Every squad member should enter the competitions outlined by their coach. These will be selected to help maximise each swimmer’s performance and target major meets. Swimmers who fail to consistently compete will be moved to a more appropriate squad.
- Legal all four strokes, starts, turns and finishes
- Continue develop important drills and advance onto key drills that will be essential for progression
- Swimmers will be able to swim 50m in all four strokes and complete 100I.M/200I.M. dependant on age
- Age Range 7-11 as of 31st December of the current year
- Swimmers should have developed skills such as starts, turns and finishes for all 4 strokes.
- Develop a reasonable level of skill for training and racing purposes
- Perform basic kick, breathing and pull drills with ease and confidence on frontcrawl and backstroke
- Establish correct head, body position and timing for all four strokes
- Begin to establish aerobic ability through training sets
12 x 50
16 x 25 kick off 50
Competitions: Swimmers should be entering;
- RCT seasonal Invitational series
- Regional No Time Gala
- Regional Development Gala
- Open level 3 meets where obtaining qualifying times
S1 - Skills One
All Squad criteria targets to be achieved by the end of the season. Four key expectations for Performance Squads:
• Kick set 16 x 25 (or 8 x 2 lengths in a school pool off 60 secs)
- Performance: Gaining personal best times, skill requirements and training set performance. To be reviewed throughout the season.
- Attendance: Members of Skills 1 must attend all available sessions. This is to enable the swimmer to maximise their potential. Any squad member consistently failing to reach this requirement WILL be moved to a more appropriate squad. If a swimmer is absent from the session notification prior to the beginning of the session is required.
- Attitude: All squad members should exhibit a positive and professional attitude towards training and competitions. Negative attitudes will not be tolerated as every session has a benefit to the swimmer and are equally valuable. Punctuality is important so that the swimmer can gain full value from every session.
- Competitions: Every squad member should enter the competitions outlined by their coach. These will be selected to help maximise each swimmer’s performance and target major meets. Swimmers who fail to consistently compete will be moved to a more appropriate squad.
- Understand principles of warm-up before exercising
- Swim 25m frontcrawl from an underwater push glide: Start with an underwater push and glide with three dolphin kicks. Then swim 20mfrontcrawl including at least 6 rhythmical breathes, the stroke should follow FINA rules
- Swim 25m backstroke from an underwater push and glide: Start with an underwater push and glide with three dolphin kicks. Then swim 20m backstroke, the stroke should follow FINA rules
- Swim 25m breaststroke from a push and glide: Swim 15m breaststroke, the stroke should follow FINA rules
- Swim 15m butterfly from a push and glide: Start with an underwater push and glide with three dolphin kicks. Then swim 15m butterfly including at least three breathes, the stroke should follow FINA rules
- Swim 100m frontcrawl and backstroke: Start with an underwater push and glide with three dolphin kicks. Strokes must follow FINA rules
- Perform a sitting/standing dive
- Perform a forward and backward somersault
- Perform a series of kick drills: frontcrawl kick, backstroke kick and side kick
- Age range 7-11 as of 31st December of the current year
- Swimmers should be developing skills such as starts, turns and finishes for all 4 strokes.
- They should be able to learn new key and important drills for all 4 strokes that they can take forward throughout their progression with the club.
• Kick set 16 x 25 (or 8 x 2 lengths in a school pool off 60 secs)
Sr - Seniors
This is squad is designed for following swimmers:
If any swimmer in this squad achieves the standard required for a performance squad and is able to commit to all expectations, the swimmer may be invited to enter the performance programme by the Head Coach.
- Those who can no longer commit to the training hours required for their current squad
- cannot achieve the time requirements to stay in their current squad
- only wishes to swim for fitness or social purposes
- training for triathlon or Ironman races
- Swimmer must be at least 14 years old turning 15 by December 31st of the current year there is no upper age limit
- They must be able to complete a frontcrawl set at a reasonable speed and be able to maintain that standard throughout the session
- The swimmers must have a positive attitude towards their fellow swimmers and the training environment
- To improve the performance of all members of the squad towards their personal goals
- To improve all swimmers technical skills and stroke techniques to create the best possible opportunity for them to succeed in their personal goals
- There is no obligation to enter specific competitions
- Swimmers particularly those from the competitive swimming background will be encouraged to enter competitions
- Masters events (age specific)
- Club Championships
- Any qualified meet
If any swimmer in this squad achieves the standard required for a performance squad and is able to commit to all expectations, the swimmer may be invited to enter the performance programme by the Head Coach.